About Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC) 2F
Welcome to ANC2F's About Page!
This page is to provide you more information on what exactly the Advisory Neighborhood Commission is, and what we are doing to help make our communities a happier, safer, and more welcoming place!
What's an ANC?
The District of Columbia is divided into eight wards and forty-six neighborhood areas, each represented by an Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC). ANCs are groups of residents, elected by their neighbors, who work to ensure that their individual neighborhoods are well-served by city government.
Each ANC regularly meets to review pending and proposed government actions of interest. Meetings are held in public and follow established rules of order. In some cases, the ANC may vote to issue formal advice to DC government agencies based on its determination of the neighborhood’s best interests. The issues inviting ANC advice are diverse: taxation, transportation, liquor licenses, public safety, planning, zoning, historic preservation, recreation, and so on.

Table showing the heirarchy of organization from Ward to ANC to SMD
Agencies are not bound to follow ANC advice, but it is required to be given “Great Weight“ in the decision-making process, and ANCs are in a unique position to address the most local issues. Each ANC area is a collection of smaller areas called Single Member Districts (SMDs). Every two years, as part of the regular DC election, the 2,000 residents in each SMD can elect a Commissioner to represent them on the local ANC (alongside Commissoners from neighboring SMDs). As officials Commissioners are unpaid and nonpartisan.
What is ANC 2F?
ANC 2F is an ANC in Ward 2, Northwest Washington, serving several neighborhoods: Logan Circle, Thomas Circle, Old City, Franklin Square, and parts of Downtown. ANC 2F comprises eight Single Member Districts and so has eight Commissioners.
ANC 2F usually meets on the first Wednesday of the month. Agenda are distributed through this website and our email list. If you want to get get involved or just report a problem on your block, please contact us.
Attend a Meeting
ANC 2F’s regular monthly meetings are open to the public. Meetings are generally held via Zoom, unless otherwise noted!