ANC 2F serves Logan Circle, Thomas Circle, Old City, Blagden Alley, Franklin Square, and parts of Shaw and Downtown. This area is divided into eight Single Member Districts (SMDs), each home to about 2,000 residents and represented by a single Commissioner.
ANC 2F has been redistricted as of 2013. Click here to see the updated map (PDF) or find your commissioner on the map below.

Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) District Maps
The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) divides its coverage of the city into numbered Districts, which do not correspond to the Ward numbers or to ANC numbers and letters. Each MPD District is further divided into Police Service Areas (PSAs). Each PSA has its own dedicated police officers and officials. There are a total of 7 MPD Districts and 56 PSAs in D.C.
Over half of ANC 2F falls within the Third District-– specifically in PSAs 301 and 307. PSA 307 is the largest police service area in ANC 2F. A portion of ANC 2F also falls within the Second District– specifically PSAs 207, 208 and 209.
Click here to find your current Police District and Police Service Area.
CHANGES to Police Districts and PSAs: In January 2019, MPD redistricted the PSAs, resulting in changes to the PSAs included within ANC 2F’s boundaries. Click on the below image to view the former and current PSAs within ANC 2F’s boundaries: