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ANC2F CDC Meeting Agenda for September 28, 2011


Wednesday, September 28,2011, 7:00 PM
The Washington Plaza Hotel
# 10 Thomas Circle, NW

Meeting Agenda

  1. Approval of Agenda.
  2. 1328 14th Street, NW – Presentation for BZA and Historic review for a new
    residential building that wil include ground floor retail, with residential above. –
    Presentation by Kyrus Freeman, Holland & Knight.
  3. 1324 14th Street, NW – Presentation for BZA and Historic review for a renovation of
    a residential building with ground floor retaiL. – Presentation by Kevin Riegler and
    Adam Stifel, CAS Riegler Real Estate Development.
  4. 934 N Street, NW – Presentation regarding the construction of an owner-occupied
    home with a rental apartment in the basement. – Presentation by James Phillps,
  5. 939 & 941 M Street, NW – Presentation regarding subdividing one lot into two to
    create 939 M Street, NW & 941 M Street, NW and converting them into four duplex
    condo’s (two at each address). – Presentation by James Phillips, Architect.
  6. 1633 13th Street, NW – Presentation for BZA and Historic review for a renovation of
    a row house. – Presentation by Will Couch, Foundry Architects.
  7. 1410 S Street, NW – Presentation for Historic (concept, design, height, and massing
    in historic preservation area) for renovation and addition to an existing row house. –
    Presentation by John Linam, Jr, Architect.
  8. 1220 and 1224 11th Street, NW – HPRB to build an upper level on these row houses.
    – Presentation by Carmel Greer, Architect, District Design.