LCCA Partners with Local Businesses to Address Community Issues
The Logan Circle Community Association (LCCA) has joined with local businesses to address two issues of significance in the neighborhood: the establishment of a greater 14th & U Business Improvement District (BID) and enhanced parking for local businesses and visitors. At last night’s ANC 2F Community Development Committee (CDC) meeting, LCCA President Tim Christensen and JBG’s Ted Featherstone presented both proposals to the Committee. Click here for a PDF copy of the presentation.
Several D.C. neighborhoods have established BIDs to focus on safety, cleanliness, neighborhood and small business marketing, and events programming. A 14th & U BID would address similar priorities. An informal planning group met last summer with D.C. officials to explore the feasibility of a BID and came away encouraged to proceed.
JBG Companies, LCCA launched preliminary plans for a parking garage at the D.C. Parks and Recreation property at 1325 S Street, NW.
The parking issue for businesses and visitors was exacerbated with the establishment of the enhanced residential parking program in the neighborhood. While the program greatly expanded parking opportunities for holders of Zone 2 residential parking permits, it also cut by half the number of available spaces for businesses and visitors on the streets adjacent to the 14th Street corridor in Logan Circle. After months of research and planning under the leadership ofThe CDC voted unanimously (10-0) to recommend that the full ANC endorse the exploration of public parking options by the City Council for the lot at 1325 S St, NW.
For more information about the BID, email or visit (coming soon).