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MEETING SUMMARY: Feb 3 Regular Monthly Meeting


  • Commissioner Tuma thanked community members who joined the D.C. Resident “Snow Team” to help neighbors clear their sidewalks and stoops after the blizzard. Tuma encouraged community members to sign up for the Snow Team at
  • Commissioner Gordon introduced her replacement for the 2F-01 Commission seat, Mr. Maurice Dorsey. This was Commissioner Gordon’s last meeting.
  • Commissioner Fanning shared public thanks for Commissioner Kate Gordon’s service on the Commission, her positive impact on the community, and her tireless efforts and leadership on the ABRA Policy Committee.


  • Sergeant David Terestre of PSA 307 shared the monthly crime report. Total crime in PSA 307 is up slightly (by four crimes) in January 2016 as compared to January 2015. Two of the four crimes were property crimes, and the other two were robberies. Terestre noted that property crime is trending right now.  Lastly, Terestre shared updated contact info for PSA 307.
  • Terestre also introduced two special guests from MPD: the new Third District Commander, Stuart Emerman, who spoke to his vast experience in the Third District and his commitment to community engagement; and Detective Scott Guthrie, who provided a detailed overview of the Third District Detective office’s operations.
  • Sherri Kimbel from Councilmember Jack Evans’ office shared three updates: 1) there is a lot of new legislation coming before the D.C. Council, feel free to contact Evans’ office for more information; 2) Jack Evans is now the Chairman of the Metro Board; 3) a request from Evans’ office for community feedback on how the city handled snow removal during the recent blizzard.
  • Eva Lewis, Ward 2 Liaison from the Mayor’s Office of Community Relations and Services, shared three updates: 1) this week is the Mayor’s Education Week, tomorrow there will be a press conference called “From Birth to Books”; 2) the 2015 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report was recently released; 3) please join the Snow Team to help out neighbors with snow removal.
  • Aaron DaNu with the MidCity Business Improvement District (BID) provided a progress update for the BID. The BID is currently working toward its 501(c)(6) designation. DaNu shared that the BID’s Board is comprised of the owners of numerous local businesses, including Ben’s Chili Bowl, Junction Vintage, 1905 Bistro, the 930 Club, Miss Pixie’s, and the founder of City First Bank. The main BID goals include: 1) increased foot traffic; 2) increased events that attract customers; and 3) marketing the BID as a place to live, work, and play. Find more info at


  • Commissioner Kate Gordon, Chair of the APC, moved for and received unanimous adoption (8-0) of the following business items from the ABRA Policy Committee’s Report from its January meeting:
    • The Commission voted unanimously (8-0) to enter into a new Settlement Agreement (SA) with Harvest Eats DC, LLC, dba Jinya Ramen Bar (1336 14th St, NW), based on the standard SA template, and reflecting the Applicant’s commitment to prohibiting employees from using the alley for non-work reasons, trash enclosure and rodent abatement guarantees, and summer garden closure no later than 10pm;
    • The Commission voted unanimously (8-0) to enter into a new Settlement Agreement with Arlington Cinema, Inc. dba Drafthouse Comedy (1100 13th St, NW) in lieu of previous protest, and based on the standard SA template, and reflecting the Applicant’s commitment to no exterior trash, and prohibiting employees from being in the alley for non-work related reasons;
    • The Commission voted unanimously (8-0) to enter into a new Settlement Agreement with Shaw Dining, LLC dba The Bird (1337 11th St, NW) based on the standard SA template, and reflecting the Applicant’s commitment to enclosed trash; conforming hours for summer garden and sidewalk café; and prohibiting employees in the alley for non-work reasons; and
    • The Commission voted unanimously (8-0) to modify the existing Settlement Agreement with TG Cigar in order to extend their operating hours until 2am Sunday through Thursday and 3am on Fridays and Saturdays.
  • Finally, Gordon formally resigned as Chair from the APC, and with enthusiasm moved to appoint Commissioner Kevin Sylvester as new Chair of the APC; the motion was seconded and approved unanimously (8-0) by the Commission.


  • Commissioner Kevin Deeley, Chair of the CDC, ultimately presented each of the following Committee business items for individual adoption by the Commission:
    • The Commission voted unanimously (8-0) to request that DDOT extend the end time of Residential Parking Permit (RPP) hours in ANC 2F from 8:30pm until 11:00pm;
    • The Commission voted unanimously (8-0) to request that the Historic Preservation Office staff take [these ten] comments into consideration during its final permit review of the two-unit row house at 1001 O St, NW;
    • The Commission voted in favor (6-0-2) of empowering Commissioners Deeley and Bengel to negotiate a Community Benefits Agreement with the Applicant behind the Planned Unit Development at 1126 9th St, NW, with specific provisions for 1) enhancement of the proposed parking arrangement; 2) demonstrable and widespread community benefit; 3) continued discussions between the Applicant and community beyond the just residents at the Whittman condominium; 4) involvement of Councilmember Evans’ office in DDOT’s role in the PUD; 5) exploring a potential increase in the number of inclusionary zoning (IZ) units at the 50% area median income (AMI) level.
    • The Commission voted in favor (7-0-1) of supporting the DDOT public space application for a sidewalk café at 1337 11th St, NW (The Bird restaurant);
    • The Commission voted in favor (5-1-2) of recommending that the Historic Preservation Office postpone historic review of the concept, mass, and design of a third floor addition to an existing residence at 1334 Riggs St, NW until after conclusion of the Zoning review that will likely need to occur as a result of the proposed addition.
  • Commissioner Deeley also provided a summary of his, Commissioner Fanning and Commissioner Sylvester’s meeting with HPO staff Maloney, Callcott, and Meyer. Deeley characterized the meeting as productive, and relayed that HPO was very receptive to ANC 2F’s recent concerns about the Commission’s opportunity (or lack thereof) for input on HPO-reviewed projects. Going forward, HPO staff promised to be more meticulous about according all ANCs the opportunity to review projects and provide relevant input.


  • Commissioner Bengel, Chair of the CPSC, reported there would be a joint meeting with two other ANCs in the next month or two in an effort to “resurrect” interest and community participation in crime and public safety issues affecting ANC 2F and neighboring ANCs.


  • Commissioner Tuma, Chair of the Ed Committee, summarized the recent and informative meeting with Deputy Chancellor of Education for Curriculum, Brian Peck. Tuma also shared his positive feelings about an upcoming meeting on the status of construction at Garrison elementary.


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*Please note that this meeting summary is provided by ANC 2F as a courtesy for individuals who were not able to attend the Regular Monthly Public Meeting. The information contained here within is not an exhaustive summary nor does it constitute official meeting minutes. The above information may not be referenced in any official business matter related to the Commission. Please see the “Minutes” page of the ANC 2F blog for official meeting business.