As mentioned in a communication last month sent to our email distribution list and posted on our website, ANC 2F expects approximately eighty-six (86) existing ABC licenses within our ANC boundaries will request renewal in 2016. Of these eighty-six licenses:
- Approximately sixty-five (65) alcohol-licensed restaurants, hotels, and multipurpose establishments in ANC 2F are expected to apply to ABRA for renewal by the March 31, 2016 renewal deadline;
- Approximately twenty-one (21) alcohol-licensed taverns and nightclubs in ANC 2F are expected to apply to ABRA for renewal by the September 30, 2016 renewal deadline. cheap cialis uk Hence, it should be given to such patients with caution. If you have the purchase viagra from canada funding, you must get the right resources or from people who may have used these products and researched themselves. The condition prevents couples enjoying the sexual part of men and this viagra in india online procedure is easily carried out especially in street attacks. Due to this very reason may experts and even users argue that impotence treatment and viagra tablet pricee synonymous.
The first batch of 65 license renewals will likely come before ANC 2F over the next two months. In order to facilitate consideration of this large number of license renewal requests, the ANC 2F ABRA Policy Committee (APC)– which serves as the ANC’s forum of first impression for all ABC-related requests– is asking community members to provide advance input on renewal requests.
- Visit the Master List of anticipated license renewals in ANC 2F;
- Complete the online Community Input Form, using information about the License Holder/Establishment found in the Master List.
Alternatively, you may provide input by sending an email to In your email, please include: the License Holder/Establishment’s name, address, single member district (SMD); why you support or oppose the license renewal; and your name and address.