Wednesday January 8, 2024 at 7:00 PM
Meeting via Zoom (please check end of post for dial-in information)
- A commissioner will put forth a motion to nominate a parliamentarian.
- Once nominated, the parliamentarian will facilitate the election of officers for the incoming commission.
7:10 PM Commissioner Announcements
7:20 PM Reports from Metropolitan Police Department
- Contact: MPD Second District 202-730-1901
- Contact: MPD Third District 202-673-6935
7:35 PM Report from Executive Office of the Mayor with Ty Abilla
- Contact: 202-297-6566 |
7:45 PM Report from Ward 2 DC Council with Brian Romanowski
- Contact: 202-285-9195 |
7:55 PM Community Announcements
- Residents & organizations based in ANC 2F are welcome to give announcements during this portion. Please hit the “Raise your hand” function on Zoom to be recognized by the Chair or write out your announcement in the chat box.
- DC Sentencing Commission Update
8:05 PM Consent Agenda
Approval of Agenda
Approval of December Meeting Minutes
Approval to Obtain Debit Card for Tax Payments
Approval of Treasurer’s Report
Expenses: Executive Director December salary ($1156.72)
Tax Payments:
- Federal Income Tax $1337.76
- DC Income Tax $136.56
- Paid Family Leave $167.64
- Unemployment Insurance $15.93
8:10 PM Public Space and Transportation Committee (PSTC) Report
The Committee Chair updates from the PSTC.
8:30 PM Alcohol-Cannabis Policy Committee (APC) Report
The Committee chair will offer updates from the APC.
Alcohol Policy Committee Chair Nomination
- Part 1: Commissioner will present and describe the topic up for discussion.
- Part 2: Motion must be made and seconded by Commissioners.
- Part 3: Community/Commissioner questions and comments are permitted.
- Part 4: Motion is discussed and voted on by Commissioners.
Public Safety Committee Chair Nomination
- Part 1: Commissioner will present and describe the topic up for discussion.
- Part 2: Motion must be made and seconded by Commissioners.
- Part 3: Community/Commissioner questions and comments are permitted.
- Part 4: Motion is discussed and voted on by Commissioners.
Public Space and Transportation Committee Chair Nomination
- Part 1: Commissioner will present and describe the topic up for discussion.
- Part 2: Motion must be made and seconded by Commissioners.
- Part 3: Community/Commissioner questions and comments are permitted.
- Part 4: Motion is discussed and voted on by Commissioners.
Community Development Committee Chair Nomination
- Part 1: Commissioner will present and describe the topic up for discussion.
- Part 2: Motion must be made and seconded by Commissioners.
- Part 3: Community/Commissioner questions and comments are permitted.
- Part 4: Motion is discussed and voted on by Commissioners.
Creating an Ad-Hoc Committee to Review Bylaws
- Part 1: Commissioner will present and describe the topic up for discussion.
- Part 2: Motion must be made and seconded by Commissioners.
- Part 3: Community/Commissioner questions and comments are permitted.
- Part 4: Motion is discussed and voted on by Commissioners.
Clean Team Budget Request Resolution
- Part 1: Commissioner will present and describe the topic up for discussion.
- Part 2: Motion must be made and seconded by Commissioners.
- Part 3: Community/Commissioner questions and comments are permitted.
- Part 4: Motion is discussed and voted on by Commissioners.
Join Zoom Meeting:
PASSCODE: 947898
Meeting ID: 946 815 5689
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