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Reminder: Community Input Requested on 32+ ABC License Renewals

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The ANC 2F ABRA Policy Committee (APC) will be considering at least thirty-two (32)* ABC license renewals at its upcoming meeting on April 20, 2016. To assist with consideration of this large number of license renewal requests, the APC is soliciting advance community input. To provide input, please follow these steps:… Read More »Reminder: Community Input Requested on 32+ ABC License Renewals

Summary of March 22 CDC Meeting

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The following is a summary of official actions* taken by the ANC 2F Community Development Committee (CDC) at its March 22, 2016 meeting, as well as other agenda items that came before the Committee but which did not require a vote. Visit the CDC Committee page of this website to see… Read More »Summary of March 22 CDC Meeting

Upcoming Street Closures and Traffic Restrictions in ANC 2F (Nuclear Security Summit: 3/27-4/2)

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(Washington, DC) The Metropolitan Police Department and the District Department of Transportation would like to inform the public of street closures, pedestrian restrictions, and parking restrictions in conjunction with the 2016 Nuclear Security Summit scheduled for Sunday, March 27, 2016 to Saturday, April 2, 2016. STREET CLOSURES WITH LIMITED PEDESTRIAN… Read More »Upcoming Street Closures and Traffic Restrictions in ANC 2F (Nuclear Security Summit: 3/27-4/2)

Request for Community Input on Upcoming ABC License Renewals

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As mentioned in a communication last month sent to our email distribution list and posted on our website, ANC 2F expects approximately eighty-six (86) existing ABC licenses within our ANC boundaries will request renewal in 2016. Of these eighty-six licenses: Approximately sixty-five (65) alcohol-licensed restaurants, hotels, and multipurpose establishments in ANC… Read More »Request for Community Input on Upcoming ABC License Renewals

Draft Mar. 22 CDC Agenda

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AGENDA* ANC 2F COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, March 22, 2015 |  7:00pm Washington Plaza Hotel (10 Thomas Circle, NW) This is one of the most preferred ED medicines as it may lead to nasty side effects such as gynecomastia (growth of breasts in males) as well as erectile dysfunction among the users… Read More »Draft Mar. 22 CDC Agenda

Draft Agenda for Mar. 16 APC Meeting

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AGENDA* ANC 2F ABRA POLICY COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday, March 16, 2016 National City Christian Church (5 Thomas Circle, NW; 14th Street entrance) And even such products like Rogaine, that are meant for people who look for faster purchased that levitra samples acting gel medicines for impotence. But it is very important for… Read More »Draft Agenda for Mar. 16 APC Meeting

Draft Agenda – Feb. 23 CDC Meeting

AGENDA* ANC 2F COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, February 23, 2016 |  7:00pm Washington Plaza Hotel (10 Thomas Circle, NW) MYTH: CHIROPRACTIC viagra 50mg price CAN LEAD TO ARTHRITIS. Dosage regulation Taking the help of the doctor seems to be emerging, is doctors prescribing strong medication even viagra in italy to… Read More »Draft Agenda – Feb. 23 CDC Meeting

Draft Agenda – Feb. 17 APC Meeting

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AGENDA* ANC 2F ABRA POLICY COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday, February 17, 2016 National City Christian Church (5 Thomas Circle, NW; 14th Street entrance) Discuss any fears about the generico viagra on line topic with your partner, then beginning stating that you are having an issue. One thing that women should understand… Read More »Draft Agenda – Feb. 17 APC Meeting